As I write this I can feel the energy pulsing through my body. I feel alive, alert and connected.  It’s been a magical day of planned and unplanned pleasures, treasures and surprises and the day’s not over yet!

However, it’s not always been this way for me. There were many years that I was asleep in my body and in my life.  Where life felt really hard. Where it felt like I couldn’t fit, nor could I find the contentment and peace I was looking for.

Everything felt like a struggle. Therefore everything was a struggle. I was always looking to the future, in the hope that somehow it would be better. It wasn’t.

I looked for stuff to validate me and to make me feel better about myself. It didn’t.

I worried about everything and was always trying to figure things out. I found it hard to commit to anything – home, people, jobs……..It always felt that something better was possible. I just couldn’t quite get it.

Maybe this sounds familiar to you? Maybe it’s the life you’re living just now?

If you are, then stop it. Right now.

Stop trying to live other people’s versions of you. You’ll never be able to do it and it’ll never bring you the happiness you’re looking for.

It’s like having a beautiful voice and never singing or a beautiful bird and you tie it’s wings and never let it fly.eagle

Why would you do that to yourself?

Why do you do that to yourself?

Trust yourself. Trust your knowing.

Stop thinking the world is out to get you. It’s not, unless you think it is…..

Stop doing the ‘right’ thing. There is no right thing, there is only what is right for you in this moment.

Listen to your heart, it will never let you down. The more you listen to it the louder it will sing.

So no matter where you are in your life, with what challenges you are facing things can change……

You can choose something different.

Choose You. But better.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, ‘To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make your something else is the greatest accomplishment.’

Go on, I dare you!